Nan Kitap Pride And Prejudice

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Nan Kitap Pride And Prejudice

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  • Satıcı: Renklikalem Satıcı Ünvanı: RENKLİ KALEM REKLAMCILIK SANAYİ TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ İletişim: Satıcının Trendyol tarafından teyit edilmiş e-posta ve iletişim adresi kayıt altındadır. Şehir: Giresun Kep Adresi: [email protected] Mersis Numarası: 0734215619900001 Vergi Kimlik Numarası: 7342156199
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  • Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice was first published in 1813 and the book has since it appeared been extremely popular, and it is still sold and read by a huge audience. It seems that Austen's themes of love, class and money in the late 18th century continue to appeal to many new readers. Set in the country village of Longbourn in Hertfordshire, the story revolves around the Bennet family and their five unmarried daughters. They are the first family of consequence in the village, unfortunately the Longbourn estate is entailed by default to a male heir, their cousin Mr. William Collins. This is distressful to Mrs. Bennet who knows that she must find husbands for her daughters or they shall all be destitute if her husband should die. Mr. Bennet is not as concerned and spends his time in his library away from his wife’s idle chatter and social maneuvering. The second eldest daughter Elizabeth is spirited and confident, wanting only to marry for love. She teases her eldest sister Jane that she must catch a wealthy husband with her beauty and good nature and support them. The three younger sisters Mary, Catherine and Lydia hinder their sister’s chances for a good match by inappropriate and unguarded behavior. Ürün Adı: Pride And Prejudice Ürün Kodu: 9786057995599 Yazar: Jane Austen Basım Yılı: 2019 Kapak Türü: karton Kapak Sayfa Sayısı: 424 Kağıt Cinsi: Kitap Kağıdı Çevirmen:

Ürün Özellikleri

  • Yazar Abdurrahim Karakoç
  • Roman Türü Aşk-Romantik
  • Cilt Bilgisi Ciltsiz
  • Basım Yılı 2022
  • Sayfa Sayısı 401-450
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