Shelly Vıckı - Smart Radıator Controller

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Shelly Vıckı - Smart Radıator Controller

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  • Satıcı: ELHELB SMART SOLUTIONS Satıcı Ünvanı: ELHELB SMART SOLUTİONS ELEKTRONİK SANAYİ VE TİCARET LİMİTED ŞİRKETİ İletişim: Satıcının Trendyol tarafından teyit edilmiş e-posta ve iletişim adresi kayıt altındadır. Şehir: Antalya Kep Adresi: [email protected] Mersis Numarası: 0331140068500001 Vergi Kimlik Numarası: 3311400685
    Bu ürün ELHELB SMART SOLUTIONS tarafından gönderilecektir.
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  • Bir ürün, birden fazla satıcı tarafından satılabilir. Birden fazla satıcı tarafından satışa sunulan ürünlerin satıcıları ürün için belirledikleri fiyata, satıcı puanlarına, teslimat statülerine, ürünlerdeki promosyonlara, kargonun bedava olup olmamasına ve ürünlerin hızlı teslimat ile teslim edilip edilememesine, ürünlerin stok ve kategorileri bilgilerine göre sıralanmaktadır.
  • Bu üründen en fazla 10 adet sipariş verilebilir. 10 adedin üzerindeki siparişleri Trendyol iptal etme hakkını saklı tutar. Belirlenen bu limit kurumsal siparişlerde geçerli olmayıp, kurumsal siparişler için farklı limitler belirlenebilmektedir.
  • 15 gün içinde ücretsiz iade. Detaylı bilgi için tıklayın.
  • Smart Home with Vicki With Vicki's multi-room home heating control, you can not only turn on and off the radiators in your house, but adjust the heating power of each of them separately. Thanks to the MClimate App, you can enjoy Vicki’s fully remote control features by setting up the perfect home temperature from the comfort of your sofa. Do not be afraid to relax while Vicki is working, as she will transform your house into a smart home that self-regulates its own temperature according to your taste. Control your home energy usage, no matter where you are Always have full control over your home and heating! No matter if you are in the office, commuting or on a vacation. Our app will allow you to see what's the current temperature at home and control each room individually! Come back to a warm and cozy home Let Vicki be your Heating Expert! By using your smartphone’s geolocation, Vicki maintains the needed home temperature. By defining 'nearby' or 'away from' home distance, Vicki will adjust your radiators - saving energy while nobody’s home and warming up the house just before somebody gets back. To be updated, you can always choose to get notifications when a geolocation event occurs. Keep searching for Green Keep a close eye while adjusting the temperature - if the screen turns green, then Vicki has calculated that this will be the perfect setting to make sure your energy bill is intact and your comfort needs met! Extensive Analytics Data Love data? Vicki will give you detailed analytics about the inside temperature and humidity and all the changes of their levels. Moreover, you are getting a full history record of your daily, weekly and monthly home's climate. Learn more How many rooms can you make smart? No more "I Forgot the Heating On" moments. Your comfort is Vicki's command! Vicki auto-detects when you open a window Vicki is so smart that she automatically detects when you open a window and temporarily turns off the radiator in the room. Why make the desire for fresh air hard on your budget when you can install Vicki and teach the radiators in your house to stop wasting excess energy whenever a window is opened near them? Countless schedules & timers You want to be in control? Vicki will follow your commands - set schedules, timers, alarms - everything you need in a smart home. You can plan your heating so whenever you reach home, the temperature will be adjusted to your needs, and save money when not keeping warm an empty flat.

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  • Garanti Süresi 2 Yıl
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